How To Be More Creative? – 6 Tips To Boost Creativity
“Am I creative?” This might be a common question that we think of ourselves. It is often hard to wrap your head around the concept of creativity. Creativity is the ability to develop new ideas and find new ways to approach a situation and solve problems beyond the traditional way. It is an important skill, that can be useful in both your professional and personal life. It is important to understand that creativity is not a skill restricted to artists, musicians, or writers. You and I can work train and work to develop creativity skills. Here are 6 tips that can help you get started with flexing your creativity muscles.
- 10 Ideas a day
Start by picking a topic like a blog. Then, think of 10 ideas related to this topic. Write this down on paper or an app. Keep thinking until you reach 10. Repeat this process every day. You will be surprised with the ideas you can think of.
- Find your creative time
Some people are early birds, they are most creative and productive during the early morning. Other people thrive during the regular office hours 9-5 while some thrive during the peace of night when everyone is asleep. You need to find your creative time. Find a time that works for you.
- Allocate time for creative thinking in your day
You won’t improve your creativity skill unless you schedule time for it. Create a time within your day for creative thinking. Think of a creative project that you would like to start and let the creative juices in your mind start flowing. If you can’t think of a creative project, use this time for writing down 10 ideas a day.
- Set Timer
Whether you are working on a creative project or thinking of new ideas, you can easily lose the track of time. Set a timer to prevent this. The deadline can also help you increase productivity. Give yourself enough time for your creativity to shine. For example – set a 30 min timer, for 10 ideas a day.
- Try new things
Try new things like going to a park, or taking a walk. You might find motivation for your creativity in a new environment. You can also try new music and location of work that can increase your creativity. Try a combination of these factors and find the thing that works for you.
- Think out of the box
Thinking out of a box seems like a big thing, but it really is not. For anything, find the commonly agreed-upon elements and try changing some of these elements without judgment until you find something excitingly feasible. The goal is to challenge already established ways of doing things and thinking without limit. Many ideas, innovations, and successful people are the result of thinking beyond limits. For example – Mark Zuckerberg didn’t follow the traditional way of going to school and getting a job. Instead, he thought outside of the box, dropped out of college, started Facebook and the rest is history.